Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - National Launch Rally

“No to Cuts and Privatisation!   Make the Bosses pay!”

Thursday 25 March, 7.30pm
Friends Meeting House, Euston
Road, London, NW1 2BJ

Speakers include:

Bob Crow RMT general secretary
Brian Caton POA general secretary
Chris Baugh PCS assistant general secretary
Dave Nellist Socialist Party councillor
Michael Lavalette Socialist Workers' Party councillor

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

'Leave It Out Lammy' - Protest at CONEL 19th March

On Friday 19th March members of Socialist Students will be telling local MP and education David Lammy to leave our education funding alone. The protest takes place at 4pm at the College of North East London (Conel) where Lammy holds his constituency surgery. The protest will be joined by local students angry at the plans for £2.5 million cuts at the college.

Privately educated Lammy's department is planning over £950 million of cuts to higher education funding over the next few years, including cutting a third of places. David Lammy claims to be "from and for Tottenham" but his constituency has one of the lowest rates of university attendance and these cuts will ensure thousands more young people never get the chance to enter higher education. Further education colleges across London are also in crisis, with millions planned in cuts. We want to find out why Lammy thinks that making huge cuts to education funding is the best response to a recession and record levels of youth unemployment.

The protest will support Jenny Sutton, a lecturer and UCU branch secretary at the college, who is standing against Lammy as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition and campaigning to stop the cuts.
Contact Toby on 07846906767 for more information 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Demonstrate in Barking - Saturday March 13th

Haringey & Enfield Socialist Party will be meeting up at 10.15 at South Tottenham overground station.

 Assemble  Mayesbrook Park, Nearest tube Upney

1 million young people. That's one in five of us who can't get a job, can't get into education. Bankers and the bosses, who caused the crisis in the economy, have been looked after by the government. But for young people and workers, this is a crisis that will go on and on.
So what's on offer for us? Well, there's McJobs, but even McDonalds doesn't have enough jobs going round! There's loads of 'opportunities' to work for free or next to nothing, as long as you don't expect a guarantee of a job at the end of it. Thinking of going to college or uni instead? Chances are dwindling, with huge cuts, an expected increase in university fees and graduate unemployment rising sharply.
Brown & Cameron - looking after the bankers
Gordon Brown and his cohorts in Parliament have given the banks billions of public money. But when it comes to a million unemployed youth they say we have to get by on our wits alone. But there was no option, politicians cry, the whole country would have gone bankrupt. Where are the options for young people, when there are simply not enough jobs to go around? But we can't really expect more from crooks used to stealing from public funds for their own gain, never mind about the rest of us.
Young people can fight back!
The politicians from the main parties aren't interested in changing this situation. Their policies will only make it worse. We have no option but to get organised and fight for our future.
On the 28 November 1000 young people marched on parliament to demand real jobs and free education. This was organised by the Youth Fight for Jobs campaign. Young people are building Youth Fight for Jobs in workplaces, trade unions, colleges, schools and in the communities.
If we are united we can fight for a decent future and to stop the destruction of our communities. Massive strikes by workers to defend jobs combined with action from young people can force the government and councils to act and retreat from their cuts policies.
BNP no solutions
This situation allows the far right, racist British National Party (BNP) to pose as 'different' to the mainstream. But in reality they offer no solutions either, and often vote through attacks on public services proposed by Labour or the Tories.
Gains that have been won for young people and workers have been won by united struggle of workers in a workplace or a particular area. With the ongoing recession, this is going to become ever more vital.
But the BNP, instead of campaigning for jobs and services, spread division and the idea that it is Muslim, Asian, black people and others that are to blame. An unemployed white youth from Barking has far more in common with an unemployed youth from a Bangladeshi family in Tower Hamlets than with the likes of Adam Applegarth, the former boss of Northern Rock, who is still raking in the millions.
Youth Fight for Jobs are organising a demonstration on 13 March in Barking, where Nick Griffin BNP leader is standing in the general election, to make it clear that the BNP do not represent unemployed youth, and will not solve our problems. See our website for more details.
Youth Fight for Jobs
Youth Fight for Jobs is building a united campaign in this area to fight for a future for young people. This march for jobs will show young people will fight for their future and that neither Labour, Tories, Lib Dems or the BNP represent us.


  • We want real jobs
  • We want training and apprenticeships that pay at least the minimum wage or agreed trade union rate with a guarantee of a real job
  • No to cuts in jobs and services
  • Fully fund our schools, hospitals, youth facilities and other public services
  • No to university fees
  • We want the council to build the housing that's needed, taking over abandoned properties and renovating them
  • We want all housing that is built and reclaimed to be publicly owned with affordable rents
  • No to job losses. Open the account books to let workers see where the profits have gone
  • Bail out workers not bosses. Nationalise big industries threatening closure or large-scale job losses.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

TUSC in Tottenham - Tuesday 9th March

There is a meeting of the Trade Union & Socialist Coalition at the Daymer Community Centre, 22 Moorfield Rd N17 (near Bruce Grove Station) on Tuesday 9th March.

TUSC is an initiative by socialists and trade unionists - from both individuals and organisations (including the Socialist Party) -  to provide an independent political voice for the working class.

TUSC will be contesting the Tottenham constituency in the general election to provide a socialist alternative to both Labour and the Tories - both of whom want ordinary people to pay for the recession with massive cuts in public spending. Come and meet the candidate  - Jenny Sutton.

The next Socialsit Party meeting will now be at Tottenham Chances on 16th March.