Friday, December 11, 2009

Public Meeting - Labour Hatchet or Tory Axe?


Socialist Party public meeting: 7.30pm on Tuesday 15th December @ Tottenham Chances Community Centre  - 339 High Road N17 6QN

The government that told us it was "distinctly relaxed about people getting filthy rich" seems to have finally fallen out of bed with the bankers. Brown and Mandelson - faced with seething public anger at RBS executives intent on stealing huge amounts in bonuses from the tax-payer - may be making plenty of noise, but they are still planning to make workers pay for the crisis.

£billions of cuts are planned - including a pay-freeze on 4 million public sector workers - and a generation of young people who have lost their future in the recession have been offered insults by Alan Sugar instead of decent jobs and training schemes. The Tory response is a bigger machete-job on vital services - and the Liberals are promising to be even more brutal.

The insanity of a bank that is 84% owned by the state wasting billions of our money on bonuses at the same time as housing, healthcare and education are attacked shows the desperate need for a political voice for ordinary workers. The fight-back has already begun around the country, and members of the Socialist Party along with others on the left and fighting trade unions like the RMT are working together to match the fight-back in workplaces and communities with a new electoral alliance for the 2010 General Election.

Join activists and trade unionists on at 7.30pm on Tuesday 15th December at Tottenham Chances Community Centre to discuss the lessons of NO2EU Yes to Democracy and the way forward for a new workers' electoral platform in the face of the onslaught by big business politicians.  Paula Mitchell, London organiser for the Socialist Party, and a representative of the RMT will be speaking.

For more info contact Toby on 07846 906 767 or check out the Campaign for a New Workers' Party website at We'll see you there!