Monday, December 6, 2010

December meetings

• Tuesday 7th - 'What Is Marxism ?'

• Tuesday 14th - Defend Free  Education - fighting tuition fees and the abolition of EMA

• Tuesday 21st - Christmas drinks - get in touch for details !

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Support the students

Students from across Haringey and Enfield are taking part in the actions to defend their futures from the ConDem's attacks in the form of rising tuition fees and abolition of the EMA.  One local school student writes about her own experience of the protests on the 24th November:
School walkout and protest in Hornsey:

On Wednesday 24 November along with around 30 students from my school, I participated in a walkout and attended the student demonstration in Whitehall.
For those of us who managed to escape through the school gates, whether it was down to parental consent or sheer luck, we were later faced with the challenge of escaping the police at the demonstration that day.
We arrived at the demo to find it already kettled. Disappointed, we circled to find another way in, only to find ourselves being sucked inside along with a crowd of others by the police.
Nine hours later, shivering, with freezing fingers, and wishing that I'd brought a coat with me, along with the rest of the protesters I was finally let out.
As a schoolgirl under sixteen, I had been given the option to leave a few hours earlier, but my other 'under-age' friends were told by the police that they couldn't, because "schoolboys are not being let out".
Apparently, telling a police officer that it's against the law to discriminate because of gender isn't the best way to get yourself and your friends out of a kettle.
If the police really wanted to prevent further damage to public property, as they claimed, they wouldn't detain hundreds of angry teens in one street, fuelled by anger and armed with lighters.

Maya Holmes-Hartley (school student aged 15)

Socialist Party and NUT National Executive member Martin Powell-Davies has called upon teachers to defend school students who take similar actions -  see his blog post here

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What future for education ? - Open Meeting Tuesday 2nd November

Listen to a secondary school teacher talk about education under the Con-Dem government:

The state of education has changed over the decades but inequalities remain. Why is there a two tier system of education?

The Tories and Liberal Democrats are trying to reshape the educational landscape. They introduced the Academies Bill a few months into gaining office and talk about Free Schools. But what are these types of schools? What do they really offer the communities that we live in? What will be the affect of the cuts on schools and further education colleges?

Come along to the discussion. Listen to what the Socialist Party has to say about its policies for education. Contact. Paul on 020 8366 9418 for more details.

Tuesday 2 Nov, 7.30pm, Tottenham Chances Club,  High Road,  N17

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meeting on France

A last minute change to the topic planned for our branch meeting tonight (2610.10) - we will have a report back from a comrade who has recently returned from France. As  background here is a report from another comrade who recently  witnessed the struggles over there: 

Millions of workers and youth want an end to the Sarkozy ’dictatorship’
Analysis and report from Clare Doyle (CWI Secretariat) recently in Paris and Rouen, discussing with members of Gauche Revolutionnaire (CWI France)

“Petrol shortage spreads, only the demos are filling up!” was the headline of France’s satirical paper, Le Canard Enchaine, the day after more than three and a half million had taken to the streets again in 260 towns and cities across the country. This is one twentieth of the whole population of France!

Seventy per cent of the population were supporting the industrial action. In some small towns, up to a third of the population has been on the streets. The number of new layers coming into the movement reflected the depth of feeling on the issue of pensions and much more.

Marie-Jose Douet, a member of Gauche Revolutionnaire (CWI in France) who, like so many, remembers, as if it was yesterday, participating in the mass revolutionary general strike of 1968, sees the present situation as more analogous to the year before. 1967 was a period of sporadic, if bitter, strikes and street protests across the country, but nothing like the following year when everything stopped, the factories were occupied, the president De Gaulle fled the country and discussions took place everywhere about how to construct a socialist society.
The struggle today is more intense than in 1967. 25% of young people are in favour of “a revolutionary transformation of society” but few, even of the strikers and demonstrators, see a socialist revolution as ‘realistic’. Yet a rapid politicisation is going on amongst workers and young people.

Comparisons are useful – with the sit-in strikes of 1936, the revolutionary upsurge after the second world war, the 1995-6 public sector strike when the country was brought to a halt by the 100% stoppages of rail and underground workers, even the French revolution and the Paris Commune! But there is no exact parallel.

One sociologist, Philip Corcuff may have come closest with the permanent mobilisation of ’68 – 69 in Italy. In fact, there were nearly ten years with elements of pre-revolutionary situations developing in Italian society. There again, the idea of fighting for socialism or communism was more present; the problem was that the large ’communist’ and ’socialist’ parties were not prepared to carry the class struggle through to the elimination of the rotten capitalist governments and the socialist transformation of society. 

In France today, there is an even bigger political vacuum, given the pro-capitalist policies of the ex-workers’ parties and the failure of any anti-capitalist party to come to the fore with a programme for socialist change. Even though the movement is not yet strong enough to pose the question of power being taken by the working class and its social allies, the question of who runs society is more and more raised, as both sides have been prepared to conduct a prolonged battle.
Tenacious struggle

The tenacious struggle that has developed between the classes in France has attracted the attention of workers everywhere. After the general strike clashes of the recent period in Greece, Portugal and Spain, what happens in France will deeply affect the mood developing across Europe for a fight against government attacks.

In the past week, both sides in the fight over pension reform have reiterated their determination not to back down. Tuesday (19th) saw another massive response on the sixth national day of strikes and demonstrations in six weeks, Thursday saw talks between the government and the union leaders break down and new days of action called for 28 October and 6 November. As well as the main union federations including the CGT and the CFDT, the CTC which represents administrative ’cadres’ and had pulled out of the fray, came back in. As Jean-Marie Pernot, a wrote in Les Echos last Friday: “Neither the CGT nor the CFDT can get out of the conflict at this stage”.

President Sarkozy and his Interior minister, Hortefeu, have repeated the mantra that there is no going back and accuse a minority of holding the country to ransom. Early on Friday, they used emergency powers to send helmeted riot police in body armour against pickets at an oil refinery near Paris, injuring three. Later that day, as expected, the Senate voted for the ’reforms’. This week, Sarkozy will employ use further exceptional constitutional rights of the president to speed the pensions bill through its final approval in the national assembly this coming Thursday.

Both sides appear to be more entrenched than ever but how long can this battle last? Will the half-term holiday, the petrol shortages and the passing of the bill itself now undermine the strength of the movement or will it continue? Associated Press reports that, “The head of the national petroleum industry body, Jean-Louis Schilansky, says it is struggling to import fuel to make up for the shortfall, because strikers are also blockading two key oil terminals, in Le Havre and Marseille. Dozens of tankers remained anchored in the waters off Marseilles, unable to unload.  

“’The problem isn’t so much finding the oil; it is getting it in to the country,’ he said. ’If the depots and refineries remain blocked, we will not make it.’" If organised workers in Belgium and the Netherlands take solidarity action,as they have done before, and the special reserves which are said to be able to last weeks and months are blocked, the government is in trouble.
It is the overwhelming strength of feeling from below and the nationwide support for strikes and blockages that have forced the national trade union leaders to continue the action. It is this, too, which has forced the main opposition Socialist Party to move from suggesting their own ’reforms’ to pension entitlements to promising to reverse Sarkozy’s legislation, after defeating Sarkozy and his party – the UMP (Union for a Popular Movement!) - in the 2012 election. The SP leader, Aubry, has denounced Sarkozy’s “permanent coup”, paraphrasing the title of a pamphlet by Francois Mitterand against de Gaulle in 1964.

But can the movement last without a leadership from amongst the strikers themselves, coordinating the struggle at all levels, and without a clear strategy for victory, on the pensions issue and on the question of who should run society? A special supplement of Egalite, the paper of Gauche Revolutionnaire (CWI in France) spelled out the approach that is needed – one of a fight to the finish, a real general strike and the linking up of the coordination committees on a local, regional and national level. The fullest of debate and discussion is vital in these bodies - of the concrete steps needed to develop the struggle and also the perspective for socialist change.

Strength of the movement

The lack of a perspective for victory held up by the union leaders means that the struggle can be protracted and in some senses a ’proxy’ battle as some call it. The percentage of workers involved in strike action is on average about 12%. On the railways it has been more like 30% with big variations by region. Places like Marseilles have seen bigger actions and demonstrations proportionally than elsewhere, but militant traditions have been revived in many areas and discussion of what it all means has been taking place on a higher level than for some time.
The capacity of one or two sections of workers in a modern society - in the docks and the refineries - to strangle a country’s economy quite quickly is a double-edged sword. It can rattle the government with a relatively small number of workers being on strike. On the other hand, it can weaken the movement in terms of the lack of involvement of other layers. 

But the movement has up until now remained amazingly strong. The problem of so many days of strike action eating into the wages of a minority has been partially overcome by the organisation of strike support funds for the refinery workers and in other branches of industry or public service, workers taking it in turns to strike.
Even the scenes of youth ’riots’ in Nanterre and Lyons have not yet undermined support for the revolt against Sarkozy. Far right thugs have tried to attack the youth and also some picket lines, with little success. They could become a more significant threat if the movement declines. There is a widespread understanding that in relation to Lyons police provacateurs are involved and that anyway the youth have a lot to be angry about. School students on their way to their fist demonstration (in Rouen last Thursday) were overheard to say it was probably a good thing, because “That was the way things started in 1968!”

This time round, compared with then, the heavy battalions of workers have started the struggle and the youth have come in later. Both have sensed their power increase. The combination of these forces has unnerved the government, with some ministers pushing for a harder line to be taken and others fearing this would only provoke a worse crisis.

In this volatile situation, one incident can cause an explosion and raise the stakes in the struggle of the Sarkozy regime for survival. Already, as the CWI has spelt out previously, there are elements of a pre-revolutionary situation in the France of today. They could develop. On the other hand, they could dissolve in a mood of disappointment. Either way, nothing will be the same after this new mass movement of the French working class, unprecedented in a number of ways.

Hard line

The same Canard Enchaine quoted above spelt out the choice in front of the increasingly unpopular president of France: “When the petrol gauge is flickering on the red, two solutions are posed to the person at the steering wheel: either drive slowly to consume less and hang on longer or the opposite, press harder on the accelerator to get to the next petrol station faster. Nervy by nature, the driver of the ship of state has evidently chosen the second solution - to put on the pressure.”

He is using his special constitutional powers to push the final stages of the pension reform through parliament, but laws have been passed before but not implemented. Under the pressure of the mass youth movement of 2006 (which also survived a holiday period, at Easter) the attacks on young people’s job security in their first employment contract (CPE) were withdrawn after the law had been passed.

Sarkozy knows that any concession will be seen as proof that ’militancy pays’, and the rest of his programme and his own political future are at stake.

This would-be Bonaparte has decided on brutal tactics to try and break the pickets at the oil refineries. “In the name of the defence of national interests” he has used emergency measures designed for war-time or military attack to requisition workers to carry out essential tasks. He is aiming to inflict a Thatcher-style defeat on the trade union movement in France. He has already made inroads on the right to strike in terms of legislating for minimum service in essential services such as rail transport (one of the reasons that not a 100% of the drivers are out this time round).

The Total refinery at Grandspuits, where the pickets were injured by riot police, is one of the 12 refineries on strike at the time known as a ’bastion of resistance’. It had been closed for nine days when the raid took place and strikers were forced to go in and open the valves. Interviewed by the TV channel, France 3, CGT delegate Charles Fulard said, with tears of anger in his eyes, “We’re not at war! This is not a military airport!...There should be a general strike now!” But the trade union leaders have maintained their intransigence against making such a call, appealing instead for calm!

If they called for a general strike, even of limited duration, this would enthuse workers to go further and put them in the driving seat of a vehicle careering towards dual power and suspending the government in mid-air! They have at no time even considered naming just one day for such action.

Sarkozy’s future

Some cartoonists lampoon Sarkozy as a second-rate General de Gaulle figure, as he tries to face down the anger of the millions on the streets. The powerful general who sent riot police against the youth, faced down the 10-million strong general ended up as a discredited figure, of no further use to the ruling class. 2010 is not 1968. There is not a clear socialist consciousness amongst the participants in the absence of any mass party calling for support for a socialist programme. Everyone has a clear idea of what they do not want – that is, the hated pension reform. More and more want an end to the government of the arrogant and dictatorial Sarkozy and his ministers, who defend the very rich while attacking the rest of the population.

The third week of October was expected to be decisive. Sarkozy jibed that the movement was ’running out of steam’. But the scale and mood of the Tuesday demonstrations showed a clear determination that the Senate vote would not be the end of the struggle and that there was more at stake than the issue of pensions.

There are factors which can weaken the mobilisation temporarily. This week-end saw the start of the All Saints holiday. Schools, colleges and universities are closed and many workers are trying to take some days of holiday. Few will be able to travel far. Train drivers are amongst those renewing their strikes each day. Some workers on the buses and underground are taking strike action or organising to block lines and roundabouts. Lorry-drivers are driving slowly on the motorways - doing ‘snails’.

There is also the gradual drying up of the petrol stations as workers at oil depots continue their all-out action against the attack on their retirement rights. Another sign of the strength of feeling against the Sarkozy government and the support for the movement is that, for the moment, there is amazingly little or no hostility towards these workers. A TF1 tele-journalist commented, at the end of a hectic week, that, “20% are going on holiday, the rest are just staying philosophical!”.

If the disruption continues with no prospect of victory, the mood can change, but the day after this week’s mass demonstrations, one poll was published which showed that six out of every ten French people wanted the fight to continue. This must include some who voted for Sarkozy in the last election. The latest IFOP poll found only 5% of people now fully support Sarkozy and just another 24% were ‘somewhat’ behind him.

Those manning the pickets in the early hours of the morning, those participating in the strikes and demonstrations and the rest of the population know that this is only the beginning of what the government has in store for them if they are defeated on this issue. As an article in Egalite, the paper of Gauche Revolutionnaire, on sale on the demonstrations, says, under the headline ’General strike on the agenda’: “After the retirement [cuts], there are the attacks on social security and on the labour contracts, the budget cuts of public services, ever-rising unemployment, and waves of redundancies...So a defeat on the retirement issue is unimaginable for the Sarkozy government as that would paralyse [its ability to] inflict all the foul blows to come.”

Alex explains in between dawn pickets, city-wide meetings and mobilisations: “This explains why the strikes and demos have continued with such intensity and will start up again even if there are pauses”. They have gone beyond the immediate issue of the pension reform to express a desire to get rid of Sarkozy and his ministers, if not yet the capitalist system he represents.

On the basis of capitalism, in fact, the massive gap in the pensions fund cannot be filled. Huge funds have been paid to the banks and should be paid back. The ideas of taxing the rich and making the bankers pay up are popular.

Unfortunately, however, if a government did agree to levy taxes on the rich and take action against the banks on a sufficient scale to fill the gaps in public spending, the rich would just shut up shop and take their ill-gotten capital elsewhere. It is their crisis and they want the workers and youth to pay. Only public ownership of the major industries and banks, under workers’ control and a plan drawn up and managed by elected representatives of the working class, will see enough resources for adequate pensions at 60 and guarantee jobs for all youth at a decent, minimum wage.

Political parties’ responses

The Communist Party in France is a shadow of the party it was in the inter-war period. It still pays ample homage to the power of the workers’ movement, without arguing the case for socialist or communist change, let alone a strategy for achieving it.

During the movement, the Parti de Gauche (Left Party) has been visible on the mass demonstrations and it appeals to workers’ desire for unity on the left. But their leader is made fun of by the mass media (in a way that Besancenot is not) and its slogans are limited to ’Get them all to go; citizens revolution, quickly!’, ’Tax profits!’, and ’Parti de Gauche – ecology, socialism, republic!’. Having broken from the Communist Party, this organisation offers no real political alternative to them or perspective for developing the movement.

The New Anti-capitalist Party launched over a year ago has failed to take advantage of the tidal wave of feeling against the system and of the massive popularity of its spokesperson Besancenot. He got 56% in a recent popularity poll, representing in workers’ minds what a leader should be – an ordinary worker like them expressing, ideas about changing the system. But even as the situation intensifies Besancenot is limiting himself to calling for “more radical action”.

Many of the NPA’s members are very active in helping to picket oil depots and blockade important round-abouts at all times of the day and night. But there is no initiative from the top of the NPA to build a mass working class party that can channel the anger and dissatisfaction of France’s workers and youth into a challenge against capitalism, just at a time when the whole system is on the ropes.
They confine themselves to an abstract call for a general strike with no programme for how to make it successful in terms of either the immediate demands on the pension reform or for bringing down the government. Instead of striking out with an independent class programme in the heat of the current movement, and in spite of the efforts of the Gauche Revolutionnaire current and others to change the course of the party, the leadership has now announced an alliance with the Left Front and the Socialist Party! If such an alliance were to come to power it would not be able to deal with the problems confronting workers because it would remain within the framework of capitalism.

The situation in France remains extremely volatile. It could explode into a movement even more powerful than that of 1968. At present it is like a slow-burning fuse that could alternately splutter and pause over a protracted period of time. If it is temporarily defeated on the retirement issue, it can flare up again over the other attacks in store for the working class of France, as elsewhere in Europe. Either way, the urgent task is posed of building a mass workers’ party with a leadership prepared to take the movement onto the road of socialist transformation.

Juliane Charton, 17, from the Balzac LycĂ©e in Tours, hoping to read history and politics at the ’Sciences Po’ university in Paris, told the English Sunday paper, The Observer : ’’The government says there is not enough money for pensions, but it is a political choice where to look for it. If they did away with the many exemptions given to employers and bosses and imposed higher taxes on those who make billions every year it would raise in the region of €72bn, when the pension system needs €30bn.’’

Also on the Observer web-site (24 October) an electrician in the building industry says: ”If this law is passed it will mean that life for the ordinary labourer, who is already tired and worn out by years of hard manual work, will just be more misery. They argue we have to work longer because we are living longer, but I say we are living longer because of the hard-won social conditions and benefits that were fought for. If we no longer have them, who is to say that life expectancy will not fall, as it has in Russia?”

A trade union officer (quoting Marx on the need for the workers of the world to unite!) adds: ”There’s a seven-year difference in the life expectancy of a manual worker and an executive. And you have to wonder whether ... when the benefits have been lost, the number of years we will live will also drop”.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fight The Cuts !

The Con-Dem’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) is an innocuous name for a brutal promise: big business politicians will sacrifice our living standards to restore the profits and bonuses of the fat-cats and bankers. The CSR is a full spectrum attack on working and middle class people. Our jobs, services and benefits will be butchered.

The Con-Dems rhetoric that we are ‘all in this together’ is a scandalous lie. This is a government of millionaires, advised by millionaires, acting in the interests of... millionaires! But the budget deficit that the cuts are meant to ‘fix’ was caused by the bank-bailouts and an economy wrecked by financial speculation. To add insult to injury the cuts are being demanded by the very same bankers and speculators! If the Con-Dems get away with these cuts it will be the biggest rip-off in history.

A mass campaign is needed to turn back these attacks. This was how Thatcher’s hated poll-tax was defeated. As campaigns spring up to save services we need to organise anti-cuts unions to draw all the campaigns in a particular area together.

Trade Union Leaders Act Now !
The trade unions have a central role to play in stopping this government in its tracks. Workers need to organise to put pressure on their trade union leaders to act now. A national trade union- led demonstration, properly built for, could act as a lightening- rod to the anger of millions and fire a warning-shot across the government’s bows. The TUC call for a national demonstration at the end of March 2011 is welcome, but too far away. We need a national demonstration now.

Co-ordinated strike action across the public sector is clearly on the table. If co-ordinated strike action – a 24 -hour public sector general strike – could be organised this would be a massive show of strength on the part of the working class. The government would be terrified. Serious discussions within the public sector trade unions need to begin now about the best way of bringing this about. The promises to do this made by trade union leaders at the TUC in September need to be turned into a reality by pressure from below. General strikes in Greece, Spain, France and Portugal are meeting austerity budgets and slashing governments head- on. These tremendous actions can and will develop in Britain too.

Who Is There To Vote For ?

The Labour Party are opposing the Con- Dem cuts. But this is precisely the problem! It is only the Con-Dem cuts that Labour opposes. If Labour were in government they would be pushing their own cuts through just at a slower pace. In many areas, Labour run councils are the willing executers of Tory cuts. If it’s your job or your service that is coming under the axe it makes little difference who is wielding it. The Socialist Party will work with Labour councillors and councils who are opposed to cuts and refuse to carry them out. But so far this is like trying to find a pig with wings.

Come the next elections people will still be faced with the same old choice between
the ‘lesser of two evils’. But the ‘lesser’ of two evils is still evil and is not good enough. We need to build a new political voice for working people. Labour-affiliated trade unions need to disaffiliate and campaign , along with others, for the building of a new mass workers party. Anti-cuts campaigns should start discussing now if they will stand in the May local elections.

Trade Union & Socialist Coalition
The Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition stood over 40 candidates in the 2010 general election and represented an important step toward building a political voice for working class people. Crucially, TUSC included militant trade union leaders such as Bob Crow on its steering committee,and other leading trade unionists from the PCS and other unions. In May TUSC wants to organise as wide as possible a challenge in the local elections. The Con- Dems and their Labour shadows need to be challenged at the ballot box. TUSC is organising a conference of potential candidates to take place early in 2011. check website for updates.

United We Stand Divided We Fall ?

The Socialist Party believes that maximum unity is essential to defeat these cuts. But what sort of unity? Unity is a means to an end, in this case stopping the cuts. If achieving this end is made more difficult or even sacrificed in the name of ‘unity’, then we might as well give up the fight now.

Unity has to be on a principled basis around agreement on key ideas. Adopting the position that some cuts are necessary, no matter how small, will doom the movement to defeat. What will the movement say to those fighting against a particular cut that others deem ‘necessary’? Such a position will bring instant division and lead to impotence in organising action or risk a so-called anti- cuts movement being viewed as irrelevant to the fight.

Starting from the need for ‘unity’ without any discussion of programme is a back-to-front and upside-down approach which will fail sooner rather than later. Unity must be built around a clear programme: opposition to all cuts and all job losses.

National Shop Stewards Network
The Socialist Party thinks that the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN – has an important role to play in the coming battles. The NSSN is rooted in the trade union movement and already has the ear and involvement of some of the most militant groups of workers including workers on the London Underground, firefigters and others. Borne out of an initiative by the transport union, the RMT in 2007, the NSSN is open and democratic and takes a bottom-up approach.

At this stage of building the anti-cuts movement the NSSN’s approach of pressuring the official trade union movement to act, but also organising at the base is proving very effective. This was shown in the NSSN organised lobby of the TUC Congress in September which played an important role in getting the TUC to adopt the demand of a national demonstration, albeit in March next year, and, in words at least, support for co-ordinated strike action. the nssn has called an anti-cuts conference on 22 January to aid the development of a national anti- cuts campaign.

The recession and economic crisis have shown the limits of the capitalist free market and the relentless pursuit of profit. We need an alternative to this discredited system. Taxing the rich and scrapping Trident is a good start, but in themselves are not enough. We need a more fundamental change - we need socialism. The banks and other big businesses and monopolies should be taken into public ownership and run under democratic control. What you own, you can control. Democratic planning of the economy could then begin. This would mean that the needs of all could be met and a decent standard of life enjoyed by everyone instead of just the fat cats and millionaires at the top. Join the Socialist Party!

Monday, October 4, 2010

October Update

• Wednesday 6th October - 7.30pm
London Socialist Party public meeting with Socialist Students
'Fight the cuts - how we beat the Tories last time'
University Of London Union, Mallet Street, London WC1E 7HY

• Tuesday 12th October - 7.30pm
Haringey Alliance for Public Services - monthly organising meeting
North London Community Centre, Moorfield Road, London N17

• Tuesday 19th October - 7.30pm
Branch  meeting - 'Left Unity' (Paula Mitchell)
Tottenham Chances Community Centre, 399 High Road, London N17

• Saturday 23rd October - 11am
Trade Union Demonstration (NSSN RMT/FBU /NUT/ PCS) - 'No To The Cuts'
assemble Unity House, Chalton Street, London, NW1

• Tuesday 26th October - 7.30pm
Branch  meeting - 'Our Paper and Website' (Judy Beihsom)
Tottenham Chances Community Centre, 399 High Road, London N17

• Tuesday 2nd November - 7.30pm
Branch  meeting - 'No To Academies and the ConDems plans for Education' (David Kaplan)
Tottenham Chances Community Centre, 399 High Road, London N17

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Update

• Tuesday  September 7th September 7.30pm
Our next meeting will at Tottenham Chances Centre, 399 High Rd, London N17 on  with a political discussion on Turkey.

• Tuesday  14th September 6.30pm
We will be on the picket of the council meeting at  Wood Green Civic Centre London N22, organised by Haringey Alliance for Public Services to protest at local cuts.

•  Sunday 12th September 
Local members will be attending the National Shop Stewards Network's lobby in Manchester of the TUC to demand a national trade union demonstration against the coalition's cuts in public sector jobs ad services.

• Tuesday 21st September
Haringey Trades Council meeting against the cuts - at Tottenham Chances

• Wednesday 22nd September
Haringey Alliance for Public Services meeting
7.30pm at Day Mer Centre, Moorfield Rd, N17

• Tuesday 28th September
Our branch meeting will discuss a report-back  from the recent Socialist Party National Committee meeting.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Update

This website may have been inactive for a while but the Haringey & Enfield Socialist Party members have been busy:

In the run up to the general election in May we were involved in the TUSC campaigns in Tottenham, Walthamstow and Lewisham.

We are now involved in the fight back against the Tory/LibDem's coalition and their programme of cuts in public spending which represents the worst attack on working class people for twenty years. As a part of this we are working with  the Haringey Alliance for Public Services.

Following the Summer break, our next meeting will be at Tottenham Chances, 399 High Rd, London N17,  at 7.30pm on Tuesday 31st August. The main discussion will be on the Russian Revolution.  (For some background reading have a look at the articles  CWI website.)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Video of TUSC launch

 Footage from the recent launch meeting of TUSC :

Next Haringey & Enfield Socialist Party meeting - 7.30pm  Tuesday 20th April when we will be discussing Spain. Venue:  Tottenham Chances, 399 High Rd, London N17.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition - National Launch Rally

“No to Cuts and Privatisation!   Make the Bosses pay!”

Thursday 25 March, 7.30pm
Friends Meeting House, Euston
Road, London, NW1 2BJ

Speakers include:

Bob Crow RMT general secretary
Brian Caton POA general secretary
Chris Baugh PCS assistant general secretary
Dave Nellist Socialist Party councillor
Michael Lavalette Socialist Workers' Party councillor

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

'Leave It Out Lammy' - Protest at CONEL 19th March

On Friday 19th March members of Socialist Students will be telling local MP and education David Lammy to leave our education funding alone. The protest takes place at 4pm at the College of North East London (Conel) where Lammy holds his constituency surgery. The protest will be joined by local students angry at the plans for £2.5 million cuts at the college.

Privately educated Lammy's department is planning over £950 million of cuts to higher education funding over the next few years, including cutting a third of places. David Lammy claims to be "from and for Tottenham" but his constituency has one of the lowest rates of university attendance and these cuts will ensure thousands more young people never get the chance to enter higher education. Further education colleges across London are also in crisis, with millions planned in cuts. We want to find out why Lammy thinks that making huge cuts to education funding is the best response to a recession and record levels of youth unemployment.

The protest will support Jenny Sutton, a lecturer and UCU branch secretary at the college, who is standing against Lammy as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition and campaigning to stop the cuts.
Contact Toby on 07846906767 for more information 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Demonstrate in Barking - Saturday March 13th

Haringey & Enfield Socialist Party will be meeting up at 10.15 at South Tottenham overground station.

 Assemble  Mayesbrook Park, Nearest tube Upney

1 million young people. That's one in five of us who can't get a job, can't get into education. Bankers and the bosses, who caused the crisis in the economy, have been looked after by the government. But for young people and workers, this is a crisis that will go on and on.
So what's on offer for us? Well, there's McJobs, but even McDonalds doesn't have enough jobs going round! There's loads of 'opportunities' to work for free or next to nothing, as long as you don't expect a guarantee of a job at the end of it. Thinking of going to college or uni instead? Chances are dwindling, with huge cuts, an expected increase in university fees and graduate unemployment rising sharply.
Brown & Cameron - looking after the bankers
Gordon Brown and his cohorts in Parliament have given the banks billions of public money. But when it comes to a million unemployed youth they say we have to get by on our wits alone. But there was no option, politicians cry, the whole country would have gone bankrupt. Where are the options for young people, when there are simply not enough jobs to go around? But we can't really expect more from crooks used to stealing from public funds for their own gain, never mind about the rest of us.
Young people can fight back!
The politicians from the main parties aren't interested in changing this situation. Their policies will only make it worse. We have no option but to get organised and fight for our future.
On the 28 November 1000 young people marched on parliament to demand real jobs and free education. This was organised by the Youth Fight for Jobs campaign. Young people are building Youth Fight for Jobs in workplaces, trade unions, colleges, schools and in the communities.
If we are united we can fight for a decent future and to stop the destruction of our communities. Massive strikes by workers to defend jobs combined with action from young people can force the government and councils to act and retreat from their cuts policies.
BNP no solutions
This situation allows the far right, racist British National Party (BNP) to pose as 'different' to the mainstream. But in reality they offer no solutions either, and often vote through attacks on public services proposed by Labour or the Tories.
Gains that have been won for young people and workers have been won by united struggle of workers in a workplace or a particular area. With the ongoing recession, this is going to become ever more vital.
But the BNP, instead of campaigning for jobs and services, spread division and the idea that it is Muslim, Asian, black people and others that are to blame. An unemployed white youth from Barking has far more in common with an unemployed youth from a Bangladeshi family in Tower Hamlets than with the likes of Adam Applegarth, the former boss of Northern Rock, who is still raking in the millions.
Youth Fight for Jobs are organising a demonstration on 13 March in Barking, where Nick Griffin BNP leader is standing in the general election, to make it clear that the BNP do not represent unemployed youth, and will not solve our problems. See our website for more details.
Youth Fight for Jobs
Youth Fight for Jobs is building a united campaign in this area to fight for a future for young people. This march for jobs will show young people will fight for their future and that neither Labour, Tories, Lib Dems or the BNP represent us.


  • We want real jobs
  • We want training and apprenticeships that pay at least the minimum wage or agreed trade union rate with a guarantee of a real job
  • No to cuts in jobs and services
  • Fully fund our schools, hospitals, youth facilities and other public services
  • No to university fees
  • We want the council to build the housing that's needed, taking over abandoned properties and renovating them
  • We want all housing that is built and reclaimed to be publicly owned with affordable rents
  • No to job losses. Open the account books to let workers see where the profits have gone
  • Bail out workers not bosses. Nationalise big industries threatening closure or large-scale job losses.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

TUSC in Tottenham - Tuesday 9th March

There is a meeting of the Trade Union & Socialist Coalition at the Daymer Community Centre, 22 Moorfield Rd N17 (near Bruce Grove Station) on Tuesday 9th March.

TUSC is an initiative by socialists and trade unionists - from both individuals and organisations (including the Socialist Party) -  to provide an independent political voice for the working class.

TUSC will be contesting the Tottenham constituency in the general election to provide a socialist alternative to both Labour and the Tories - both of whom want ordinary people to pay for the recession with massive cuts in public spending. Come and meet the candidate  - Jenny Sutton.

The next Socialsit Party meeting will now be at Tottenham Chances on 16th March.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Youth Fight for Jobs: fighting for a future for young people!

Public meeting with Day-Mer and Socialist Party speakers: 

7.30pm on Tuesday 23th February @ Tottenham Chances Community Centre (downstairs)  - 399 High Road N17 6QN

The Socialist Party and Day-Mer Youth (a Turkish and Kurdish community organisation) are backing Youth Fight for Jobs, which demands a decent minimum wage of £8 an hour, says no to slave-labour apprenticeships, demands an end to tuition fees and opposes all education cuts. London organiser Suzanne Beishon will report on the successes of the campaign throughout Britain so far, and a spokesperson from Day-Mer Youth will be explaining why they have joined the campaign in London. Come along, hear about the struggle so far and join the discussion about the way forward.

The campaign is planning a demonstration in Barking on 13th March where Nick Griffin and the racist British National Party are standing in the next general election. We are opposing the BNP - who offer no solutions - and giving a voice to the anger of young people in London about the lack of decent jobs and huge cuts to education while bankers continue to pay themselves billions. Join us and come to this public meeting to plan for the demo!

This Saturday (20th February) at 7pm Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ) and Day-Mer Youth are hosting 'Night to Unite', a night of music, dancing and discussion on 20 February to support the campaign. It takes place at the Roundhouse on Powerscroft Road in Hackney and costs £5. 

For more info on these events contact Toby on 07846 906 767.

More information at

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Socialist Party Councillors: fighting for workers and local communities


Socialist Party public meeting: 7.30pm on Tuesday 26th January @ Tottenham Chances Community Centre - 399 High Road N17 6QN

Jess Leech is the third Socialist Party candidate in Lewisham, and has fought alongside our two elected councillors Ian Page and Chris Flood for several years against cuts and privatisation in local health and educations services, along with many other campaigns.

In preparation for upcoming local elections, she is coming to Haringey & Enfield branch to explain more about the role Socialist councillors can play in building the fightback in local communities and why they need our support to continue beating the pro big business establishment parties. Jess can also answer questions on how the Green Party, who also have councillors in Lewisham, have failed to back up local communities and workers in the council chamber. We want a big turnout for this meeting, so make sure you make it along!

There will also be a Socialist Party stall by Wood Green shopping centre this Saturday at 11am to promote the Youth Fight For Jobs campaign and our upcoming demo against the BNP in Barking on 13th March.

For more info contact Toby on 07846 906 767 and find out more about Jess at We'll see you there!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Programme of meetings

Up and coming branch meeting topics:
26thJanuary – Fighting for local communities: a Socialist Party councillor from Lewisham speaking.
9thFebruary – British Perspectives: preparation for the London SP Conference on 28th Feb.                 
23rdFebruary – Public Meeting: Fight For Jobs and Against Racism! - Including a local planning session for the Youth Fight for Jobs march against Nick Griffin and the BNP in Barking on 13thMarch.
9thMarch – The lessons of the trade union battles of the 1970s for workers today.
23rdMarch – Public Meeting: What will a Tory government mean for the movement?
6thApril – The early history of the Communist Party in Britain.

Meetings take place at 7.30pm on Tuesdays at  
Tottenham Chances Community Centre,   399 High Road, N17 6QN. 
Nearest tubes: Seven Sisters, Tottenham Hale. 
Buses: 149, 123, 243, 259, 279, 318, 341, 349, 476, W4.