Thursday, January 21, 2010

Socialist Party Councillors: fighting for workers and local communities


Socialist Party public meeting: 7.30pm on Tuesday 26th January @ Tottenham Chances Community Centre - 399 High Road N17 6QN

Jess Leech is the third Socialist Party candidate in Lewisham, and has fought alongside our two elected councillors Ian Page and Chris Flood for several years against cuts and privatisation in local health and educations services, along with many other campaigns.

In preparation for upcoming local elections, she is coming to Haringey & Enfield branch to explain more about the role Socialist councillors can play in building the fightback in local communities and why they need our support to continue beating the pro big business establishment parties. Jess can also answer questions on how the Green Party, who also have councillors in Lewisham, have failed to back up local communities and workers in the council chamber. We want a big turnout for this meeting, so make sure you make it along!

There will also be a Socialist Party stall by Wood Green shopping centre this Saturday at 11am to promote the Youth Fight For Jobs campaign and our upcoming demo against the BNP in Barking on 13th March.

For more info contact Toby on 07846 906 767 and find out more about Jess at We'll see you there!