Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's next after the TUC demo on 26th March ?

The demonstration on 26th March promises to be the biggest in this country since the anti-war protests of 2003. People all over the country who are angry at the attacks on our living conditions will be asking - what is the next step in the fight against the cuts? A number of different meetings are being organised locally and across London to discuss both the general political questions and the practical tasks to organise the fightback:

• London Socialist Party
Thursday 31st March 2011 7.30pm
Small Hall, Friends Meeting House, 173-177 Euston Road, NW1 2BJ (opposite Euston station) Speaker: Peter Taaffe (Socialist Party General Secretary)

• Haringey & Enfield Socialist Party
Tuesday 5th April 2011   7.30pm
North London Community House, (also known as the Day Mer centre), 
Moorefield Road, London N17 6PY
Speaker: John Dolan (Haringey UNISON - personal capacity)

• Haringey Alliance for Public Services
Thursday 14th April 2100 
details to be confirmed