Thursday, February 3, 2011

Open meeting: The Uprising In Egypt

7.30 PM Tottenham Chances, 
399 Tottenham High Road N17 6QN
    The eyes of socialists throught the world at the moment are on the unfolding events in Egypt - we will be discussing the situation there and the way forward for the Egyptian masses. 
    (For background reading and in-depth analysis see here)
The CWI (Committe For A Workers International) - of which the Socialist Party is a member says:

  • End police repression and brutality - For international solidarity with the Egyptian masses
  • For mass workers' action, including a general strike, to overthrow Mubarak and the whole rotten, brutal regime
  • For full democratic rights immediately, including the right to assemble, to strike and to organize democratic independent trade unions
  • For the creation of democratically elected committees of mass struggle, and defence against state repression, in the workplaces, communities, schools and colleges, linked on local, regional and national scale, to spearhead the resistance
  • For rank and file committees of police and soldiers - Side with the masses & purge the officers and hierarchy
  • No to sectarianism - For the unity of all workers across religious lines
  • No trust in any new 'national unity' regime based on the interests of the ruling class and imperialism
  • For immediate and free elections to a revolutionary democratic constituent assembly - For a majority workers' and rural workers' government
  • For a living minimum wage, guaranteed jobs, a massive programme of house building, education and health
  • End the Egyptian blockade of Gaza - For self-determination for Palestine and for workers' unity and mass action to overthrow dictators across the region
  • For the nationalisation of Egypt's big corporations, the banks and large estates and their democratic planning to meet the needs of the masses not an elite
  • For a socialist Egypt and a socialist confederation of the region, on an equal and voluntary basis